Learning outcomes

Study of the responses, mainly physiological, of organisms to their environment


The course includes the following chapters: -Introduction to ecophysiology -Identification and classification of environmental factors -Mechanisms of sensory perception of the environment (chemoreception, mechanoreception, vision, electroreception, thermoreception) -Environmental variations and physiological adaptations -Energy allocation in the face of environmental problems -Physiological and biochemical effects of stress and concepts of stress ecology and environmental endocrinology -Adaptation to extreme environments -Adaptation to new temperatures

Teaching methods

Theoretical course presented on the basis of an electronic support (power point) with reference to basic books on animal physiology (Eckert) and ecophysiology (Schmitt-Nielsen) Parts of the course are taught in English

Assessment method

Oral examination based on two randomly selected questions. The student prepares an oral presentation for about 30-45 minutes and is then questioned by the teacher and must be able to provide additional information. The practical work is graded on the basis of written reports produced by groups of 3-4 students and the grade is about 25% of the total.

Sources, references and any support material

Eckert et al: Animal Physiology, De Boeck

Language of instruction
