
The objective of this course is to provide advanced theoretical and experimental knowledge in electron microscopy (with demonstrations in front of the microscopes). This course should give all students a solid and indispensable basis for the use of the microscopes available at UNamur.


This course is intended to be an overview of the imaging and analysis techniques that can be used in electron microscopy. Some techniques (available at the Electron Microscopy Service of UNamur) will be discussed in more detail, both theoretically and experimentally with practical sessions in front of the microscopes.

Teaching methods

The course is given in the form of a powerpoint presentation with the support of the board for additional explanations. The tutorials are given in the electron microscopy department in front of the microscopes.

Assessment method

The examination is an oral (20 min.) preceded by a preliminary preparation by the student which lasts a maximum of 1 hour.

Language of instruction
