Learning outcomes

-  Memorize and understand the main concepts and fundamental biological functions, integrate the different levels of organization, complexity and diversity of living organisms

- Cross-cutting approach to the subject

- Master the basic knowledge of classical genetics, population genetics and the driving forces of evolution

- Master the vocabulary relating to the subject


Discover the dynamics underlying the evolution of species and biodiversity on our planet


The course begins with a thorough review of the concepts of mitosis and meiosis. These concepts are then used to discuss the cellular basis of Mendelian and nonMendelian genetics.

The second part of the course deals with the basic notions of population genetics, speciation and natural selection introduced by Darwin in his theory of evolution. Some aspects of classical and molecular phylogeny will also be covered.

Table of contents

Chapter 1 : No Sex

Chapter 2 : Sex !

Chapter 3 : Genetics Behind Sex

Chapter 4 : Population Genetics and Evolution

Chapter 5 : Classical vs Molecular Phylogeny

Teaching methods

The course is illustrated by Powerpoint presentations. These are available on webcampus at the beginning of the term.

Assessment method

Written evaluation or via the webcampus TEST tool (if distance learning).

The evaluation is organised in June and August.

Sources, references and any support material

The book "Biologie" (Raven, second edition, 2011, chapters 11-12-13-20-21-22-23) can be used as reference book (but the course notes are sufficent to understand the lectures). The book must not be bought by the student. The reference book is available for consultation at the university's library.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Geography : General Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Geology Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Geology Standard 1 2
Bachelor in Geography : General Standard 1 2