Learning outcomes

To trace the developmental biology of the human being, in a normal and pathological context. Although no pre-requisites or co-requisites are required for this course, it is the student's responsibility to acquire the basic anatomy and genetics necessary for a good understanding of the course


At the end of the course, the student should be able to: - compare ovogenesis and spermatogenesis - explain the different stages of fertilisation, segmentation and implantation; and know the underlying molecular mechanisms - know the mechanisms of action of the different contraceptive methods - to know the operating principles and indications of the various methods of medically assisted reproduction - qualify stem cells according to their origins and properties, understand the main indications for the use of embryonic stem cells in research. - trace, by means of drawings, the different stages of development of the embryonic disc between the 2nd and the end of the 4th week of gestation - to know the different stages of development of the placenta, and the characteristics of foeto-placental exchanges - know the main characteristics of monozygotic and dizygotic twins - understand the molecular aspects of embryogenesis (architect genes, growth and differentiation factors, signalling pathways, induction processes, embryo structuring,...) - to know the chronology of the different stages of embryonic development between the 2nd and the end of the 8th week of gestation (embryonic period) - know the stages of development of the main organs (cardiovascular system, respiratory system, urogenital system, digestive system, osteoarticular system, nervous system, face and neck) - know the genetic causes of miscarriage - to know the classification, the aetiologies, and the characteristics of the main malformations resulting from disorders of organogenesis for the different systems studied - knowledge of the principles of prevention, pre-implantation diagnosis and prenatal diagnosis (invasive and noninvasive techniques) of embryonic developmental anomalies


This course traces the history of the human being from the days before conception to birth. It is based on the knowledge acquired by the student in special histology and deals successively with gametogenesis, the mechanisms of reproduction, fertilization and the construction of a complex organism from the offspring of a single cell. From the fundamental concepts, the emphasis is placed on the clinical and pathological implications, allowing the approach of concepts such as in vitro fertilisation, contraception, antenatal diagnosis, teratogenesis and congenital malformations. This pragmatic approach to embryology is accompanied by some forays into more experimental areas such as fetomaternal exchange, embryonic stem cells and gestational immunology.

Teaching methods

lecture, diagrams on the board, clinical illustrations on Power Point slides

Assessment method

Identical examination mode in the first and second session. Written examination, including MCQ and open question(s). The exact modalities of the assessment are subject to change when the examination timetable is drawn up, depending on the practical constraints that the faculty administration may face, or in the event of illness/force majeure/emergency with a work placement, preventing the student from taking the examination on the date initially scheduled.

Sources, references and any support material

Langman's Medical Embryology (WT Sadler) Webcampus (syllabus and powerpoint files)

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Medicine Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Medicine Standard 2 3