Learning outcomes

Specific competences for end-of-cycle work 1. To appropriate, by analysing and comparing them with practice, the concepts, rules and principles of one or more branches of Belgian and/or European and/or international law. 2. To understand law as a system made up of a diversity of interrelated sources. 3. To master the methods and tools of documentary research in law (legislation, case law, doctrine), with a view to exploiting the results in personal or group work. 4. To move from the abstraction of the norm to the concrete fact and, conversely, to transform a field problem into legal questions, in particular through the resolution of a concrete case. 5. Be aware of the relative and evolving nature of legal solutions and the controversies they may generate. 6. Taking a position on legal controversies. 7. Transmission of knowledge in a pedagogical manner and in an original form (the form differs according to the group and can consist of a pleading, a seminar, a legal consultation, etc.). Cross-cutting competences 1. Working in groups for those who choose group work 2. Public speaking (the form differs from group to group and can be a plea, a seminar, a public legal appearance, etc.) 3. Communicate, in writing and orally, an idea, a reasoning or the fruit of legal research in compliance with scientific ethics 4. Defend a point of view in an argumentative manner 5. Use the French language as a tool for legal thinking and master legal terminology when drafting a legal document 6. Mobilise specific language skills in English and Dutch, at least receptively, by researching documentary sources in Dutch and/or English 7. Gradually gain confidence and autonomy in the work.


The objective of the teaching unit is the rigorous mastery of learning outcomes by the student.


The end-of-cycle assignments are of a different nature from those of B2. They are presented as a more concrete and practical exercise. They do not involve double marking, nor step-by-step guidance in designing, sourcing and writing. The deadline for completing the work is also tighter. The marking of the work is severe, both in terms of methodology, form of the work, substance of the work, plagiarism research, oral performance and respect of deadlines. Shortcomings or negligence in these areas will be severely sanctioned. The student must therefore demonstrate greater autonomy in the search for documentation and the preparation of his or her work.

Assessment method

The work is graded by the assistant. It is given a score out of 20 points, which takes into account the quality of all the services provided in the work. The evaluation criteria are specified in the accompanying document given by the assistant at the launch session.

Sources, references and any support material

• Documentary sources available at the Law Library of the Faculty and in all libraries in the country. • Documentary sources available on the internet. • Code Bac. • Course syllabus.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelier en droit (horaire décalé) Standard 0 10
Bachelier en droit (horaire décalé) Standard 3 10