End of cycle work of the "Law and Digital" option
- UE code DROIB396
30Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 5
Specific competences for end-of-cycle work 1. To appropriate, by analysing and comparing them with practice, the concepts, rules and principles of one or more branches of Belgian and/or European and/or international law. 2. To understand law as a system consisting of a diversity of interrelated sources. 3. To master the methods and tools of documentary research in law (legislation, case law, doctrine), with a view to exploiting the results in personal or group work. 4. To move from the abstraction of the norm to the concrete fact and, conversely, to transform a field problem into legal questions, in particular through the resolution of a concrete case. 5. Be aware of the relative and evolving nature of legal solutions and the controversies they may generate. 6. Taking a position on legal controversies. 7. Transmission of knowledge in a pedagogical manner and in an original form (the form differs according to the group and can consist of a pleading, a seminar, a legal consultation, etc.) Cross-cutting competences. 1. Working in groups for those who choose group work 2. Public speaking (the form differs from group to group and can be a plea, a seminar, a public legal appearance, etc.) 3. Communicate, in writing and orally, an idea, a reasoning or the fruit of legal research in compliance with scientific ethics 4. Defend a point of view in an argumentative manner 5. Use the French language as a tool for legal thinking and master legal terminology when drafting a legal document 6. Mobilise specific language skills in English and Dutch, at least receptively, by researching documentary sources in Dutch and/or English 7. Gradually gain confidence and autonomy in the work.
The objective of the teaching unit is the rigorous mastery of the learning outcomes by the student.
The work in B3 is of a different nature to that in B2. They are presented as a more concrete and practical exercise. They do not involve double marking, nor step-by-step guidance in designing, sourcing and writing. The deadline for completing the work is also tighter. The marking of the work is severe, both in terms of methodology, form of the work, substance of the work, plagiarism research, oral performance and respect of deadlines. Shortcomings or negligence in these areas will be severely sanctioned. The B3 student must therefore demonstrate greater autonomy in the search for documentation and the preparation of his/her work.
The work proceeds as follows. First session 1. General scheme The work is presented according to the following formula: the student produces a legal essay (with critical apparatus) on an identified legal issue under the supervision of the assistant who is the promoter of the work. This dissertation is then the subject of a practical exploitation, the modalities of which are left to the free choice of the assistant. In total, from a single subject, the student will have developed both theoretical and practical knowledge. The type of practical work proposed may differ from one group to another, in terms of form and method, depending on the experience or specialities of the assistant promoter and in agreement with the holder of the course concerned. The work may thus consist of drafting a legal opinion (consultation), conclusions, a judgment, general conditions, etc. Steps Timeline Description 1. Group kick-off session Date to be fixed by the assistant during the first week of November The assistant organises a group session, during which he/she explains to the students what is expected of them. In addition, he/she introduces the general theme and gives the students their case studies. 2. Theoretical work 2.1 Editorial In principle, from the beginning of November to 15 December The student, under the supervision of the assistant, identifies the legal issue to be addressed. He/she writes a legal essay with critical apparatus. The assistant is available to answer the student's questions, either in a group session or in individual sessions. In this respect, a weekly duty is foreseen and the student is informed of the assistant's availability. 2.2 Discount 15/12 at 16:00 The student submits the theory paper in digital form to the assistant's e-mail address and in paper form to the assistant's locker on the second floor of the Faculty. 3. Practical work 3.1 Editorial From 05/02 to 23/03 In this practical aspect of the work, it is the student's responsibility to defend the interests of one party and to counter any arguments that may be made against it. The assistant will ensure that students are provided with a model deed (or where to find one). A group session may be held. 3.2. Discount 23/03 at 16:00 The student submits the assignment digitally to the assistant's e-mail address and in hard copy to the assistant's locker on the second floor of the Faculty. 4. Group session of oral presentations Date to be fixed by the assistant during the month of March The student presents his or her work, both theoretical and practical, orally, according to the modalities defined by the assistant. 5. Individual closing session Date to be fixed by the assistant between 18/04 and 12/05 The assistant meets the student(s) individually. During this meeting, he/she gives and explains the score and the evaluation grid. Second session Students who have failed in the first session are required to improve their work according to the precise instructions that will be given to them by the assistant during the individual interview organised for the communication and explanation of marks, at the latest on the first Friday of May. In any case, the student must improve in depth both the theoretical and practical aspects of his work. In other words, in order to pass the 10/20 mark, the student must have substantially improved his/her work, taking into account the fact that he/she has benefited from the assistant's remarks as well as from additional time to rework his/her writing. The work is handed in on the first day of the second session at the latest. There is no oral presentation in the second session. 1. Special schemes 1. As an exception, different arrangements (including timing) may be made for students enrolled in the criminal law groups preparing for the Red Cross Inter-University Humanitarian Law Competition, for students enrolled in the constitutional law group preparing for the Inter-University Moot Court and for students enrolled in the Lease Law group. 2. In order to take into account the particular situation of Erasmus-Belgica students, some flexibility regarding the practical arrangements for writing, e.g. regarding certain deadlines for submission, will be applied. In particular, Erasmus-Belgica students in Antwerp in the first semester are not required to hand in the theory paper in December and may, if they wish, hand it in in March together with the practical work.
The work is graded by the assistant. It is given a score out of 20 points, which takes into account the quality of the overall performance of the work. The evaluation criteria are as follows: 1) Research methodology • Comprehensive and up-to-date research. • References in footnotes and bibliography impeccable. • Cite the sources used after each idea that is not your own (see point 4 on plagiarism). • Documentary research in Dutch and/or English. 2) The form of work • Absence of plagiarism (see point IV.) • Perfect spelling. In this respect, do not hesitate to have the work proofread by a third party. • Literary style: clear, well-written sentences, rich vocabulary, pleasant flow of sentences. • Structure: • Chapters, sections, paragraphs. • Plan: relevant headings, logic behind them. • Explicit announcement of the approach taken at the beginning of each chapter and section (if divided into subsections). • Proportionate divisions of labour. 3) The substance of the work • Developing a rationale : • free of plagiarism (see point IV.) • legally correct, showing the student's understanding of the subject matter; • relevant ; • which deals with the whole issue but only with the issue (get to the point, avoid repetition, endless paraphrases etc.); • in which each source cited is exploited; • each important step of which is illustrated by the case submitted, case law or even examples invented by the student; • enriched with a critical aspect based on diverging doctrine and case law, where appropriate, as well as personal considerations; • concluded with a summary of the key ideas and suggested ways forward. 4) The oral presentation • Ability to summarise the main points of the problem, its reasoning and conclusion. • Ability to be listened to, e.g. by using images or appropriate oratory effects (but beware: this is not a play...). • Quality of enunciation (control of vocabulary, clarity, diction, etc.). 5) Meeting deadlines Compliance with deadlines is a fundamental requirement and is sanctioned with a mark of 0/20. In the event of non-compliance, the following sanctions apply: 1. Absence from a session organised by the assistant: except in cases of proven force majeure or special arrangements, absence from a session organised by the assistant will result in the deduction of 2 points from the final mark. 1. Non-compliance with deadlines: except in cases of proven force majeure or special arrangements, non-compliance with a deadline will result in a mark of 0 for the part of the work concerned (theoretical and/or practical) and the postponement of the whole work (theoretical and practical) to the second session. Failure to meet a deadline in the second session will result in a mark of 0/20 for the whole assignment and the refusal of credit validation for the B3 assignment. This sanction also applies, except in cases of proven force majeure, to the case where only the paper or digital version is sent on time. 1. Absence from the oral presentation: except in cases of proven force majeure, absence from the oral presentation will result in the deduction of 5 points from the final mark and the obligation to present the work orally in the second session. 1. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is sanctioned with a mark of 0/20 for the whole work and the application of the provisions of the Faculty Regulations relating to cheating.
• Documentary sources available at the Law Library of the Faculty and in all libraries in the country. • Documentary sources available on the internet. • Code Bac. • Course syllabus.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 3 | 5 |