Learning outcomes

To identify the specific features and similarities between training and support, so that they can be combined with a view to professional development.

    Conceptualise the support approach at the interface of different fields in order to adapt its action to the environment.
    Analyse different situations and draw out the implications in terms of support practices.
    Develop different forms of support for individuals, professionals, projects and organisations on the basis of a critical analysis of contexts
    Place support in an ethical and deontological context, grasping the individual, relational and organisational issues at stake
    Apply the engineering and support approach



    Differentiate between support and training
    Articulate the concepts of training, engineering, support and professional development
    Place coaching and continuing education in an adult education perspective
    Define and develop a professional approach to coaching professionals


Support engineering (design, management and evaluation)
    Combining support and training
    Professional development and professionalisation
    Professional identity and posture in support


The pathway within the SPOC on professionalisation is the exercise part of this course, as well as being an integral part of the course.

Teaching methods

Class sessions will alternate between :

- interactive presentations

- role-playing exercises

- analysis of professional situations

- presentations

The activities will be based on a SPOC on professionalisation and on the reading of articles.

Assessment method

L'évaluation  portera sur :

  • La participation au SPOC et la présentation orale lors d'une séance de cours d'une réflexion en lien avec ce cheminement de formation
  • La réalisation d'un travail écrit, où l'étudiant sera nvité à porter un regard réflexif sur un dispositif de formation/accompagnement issu de son expérience personnelle/professionnelle à la lumière des apports du cours


Sources, references and any support material

Ardouin, T. (2017). Ingénierie de formation. Paris: Dunod (5éd).

Charlier, E. (2014) Accompagnement in A. Jorro, Dictionnaire des concepts de la professionnalisation. Brussels: De Boeck.

Charlier, E., Biemar, S. (Ed.) (2012). Accompagner, un agir professionnel. Brussels: De Boeck.

Wittorski, R. (2016). La professionnalisation en formation: textes fondamentaux. Rouen: PURH.

Language of instruction
