Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, students will be able to :

- carrying out bibliographical research in the field of history of science/chemistry (consulting and summarising primary, secondary and tertiary sources) on a chosen subject ;

- describe the construction of the chosen subject by addressing scientific, sociological, economic, political and relational aspects.

- identify the epistemological trend(s) associated with the chosen subject;

- describe the didactic transposition of the chosen subject (the gap between scientific knowledge and school knowledge) in secondary and/or higher education.

- present and defend the research work in front of an audience of chemistry education experts


The general aim of this course is to initiate Masters students to take a step back from the chemical content encountered throughout their formation, by means of a historical, epistemological and didactic study of a chosen subject.


UE SCHIM210 consists of three thematic seminars dealing with (1) the implementation of bibliographical research in the field of history of science (2) the description and identification of epistemological currents (3) the description and application of the theoretical framework of didactic transposition.

During the first seminar, each student chooses a subject from one of three categories (imposed list): chemistry concepts / instruments and techniques / theories and models.

At the end of the term, the student must submit a piece of work that summarises and responds to the various learning outcomes stated above.

Most of this work is carried out independently, but feedback is occasionally provided during the term.

Assessment method

Assessment takes place at the end of the second term.

The written report (instructions and details on WebCampus) must be submitted 15 days before the presentation date.

The date for the presentation of the work is to be arranged by appointment.

The presentation will last 30 minutes and will be given in front of a panel of chemistry education experts.

The evaluation score is a collective decision comprising the assessment of the written report and the oral presentation (including the defence).

The same arrangements will be applied in the second session.

Language of instruction
