Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to: • Master the theoretical knowledge base related to clinical studies and bibliographic research and use the specific vocabulary; • Distinguish and compare primary and secondary sources of information; • Know and use the appropriate bibliographic tools; • Formulate questions to guide an efficient literature search; • Understand and interpret the way data is presented in various information sources (scientific articles, clinical data, literature reviews, scientific opinions, notices, etc.); • Critically analyse these sources of information; • Identify the issues to be resolved in a real therapeutic situation; • Evaluate all the factors involved in making a decision, such as research data, clinical data, the patient's medical history, preferences, and other variables related to the therapeutic environment; • Establish treatment recommendations based on the analysis of these data; • Situate the role of the pharmacist within a multidisciplinary treatment plan.


The aim of this course is to establish evidence-based therapeutic reasoning, based on critically gathered and analysed information.


The course focuses on the study of Evidence Based Medicine and the theoretical concepts associated with it, but also on the practical considerations and reflective approaches that arise from it.

Teaching methods

The student will be provided with the slides presented and used in the oral course. Emphasis will be placed on the student's understanding and ability to make connections between theory and practice in order to ask the right questions to make rational therapeutic decisions. The teacher will create an environment that encourages the student's questioning. The student will also learn to know and use various bibliographic tools and other sources of information. In order to actively involve students in their learning process, interactive tools such as the Wooclap application will be used.

Assessment method

Written examination in the form of short open-ended questions and/or MCQs on theory and/or long open-ended questions to assess the student's approach to a situation reflecting real practice. Assessment criteria will include: understanding, ability to formulate research questions, efficient search for information, development of critical thinking skills, mastery of EBM theoretical concepts and ability to construct a therapeutic rationale based on this information.

Sources, references and any support material

References and other useful materials will be shared with students during the course.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Pharmacy, Professional focus Standard 0 3
Master in Pharmacy, Professional focus Standard 1 3