Learning outcomes

The experimental research work consists of the realisation of a mini research project during which the student will be confronted with the work in a research laboratory or in a company. This work will allow the student to understand the different aspects of scientific research and to complete his/her training.


The aim of this course is to enable the student to carry out a research project on a specific issue.


The student will carry out a research project in a university laboratory or in a company in order to answer a specific question and to provide a concrete solution.

Teaching methods

The student will carry out practical research work in a university or private laboratory under the supervision of a thesis promoter.

Assessment method

Students must obtain their biosafety certificate in order to be eligible for the internships. The examination of the experimental research work - Part 1 will consist of a written report including an introductory section, the objectives of the research project, the protocol/method of operation, the results and interpretations and the outlook.

The exact arrangements for the assessment are subject to change when the examination timetable is drawn up, depending on the practical constraints with which the faculty administration may be confronted, or in the event of illness/force majeure/employment with a work placement, or because of the health situation linked to the coronavirus.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Pharmacy, Research focus Standard 0 8
Master in Pharmacy, Research focus Standard 1 8