Learning outcomes

Students will be able to present their research project in the form of a scientific article. 


The aim of this course is to enable the student to write a scientific article for submission to a scientific journal that the student will have defined in advance with his/her sponsor. 


The course will discuss the typical structure of a scientific article and provide tools for writing one. Students will also be given time to complete their work in the host laboratories in order to generate sufficient data to enable the scientific article to be written. 

Table of contents

1. Structure and tips for writing a scientific article
2. Finalising the research work in the host laboratory 

Assessment method

The experimental research work part II examination will be in the form of a written paper (i.e. the scientific article) and an oral examination in the form of questions/answers and discussion on the basis of the written paper (50/50 balance). The arrangements for the second session are identical.

The assessment procedures may be modified for organisational reasons in the case of large cohorts. In such cases, the course leader will notify students by 15 November of the current academic year at the latest.

Language of instruction
