Final paper of the "Vulnerabilities and Societies" option
- UE code DROIB397
30Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 5
Competences specific to end-of-cycle work
a. Understand the concepts, rules and principles of one or more branches of Belgian and/or European and/or international law by analysing them and comparing them with practice.
b. Understand the law as a system made up of a variety of interrelated sources.
c. Mastering the methods and tools of legal documentary research (legislation, case law, doctrine), with a view to using the results in personal or group work.
d. Move from the abstraction of the norm to the concrete fact and, conversely, transform a problem in the field into legal questions, in particular by solving a concrete case.
e. Become aware of the relative and evolving nature of legal solutions and the controversies they can generate.
f. Take a stance on legal controversies.
g. Passing on knowledge in a pedagogical manner and in an original form (the form differs according to the group and may take the form of a pleading, a seminar, legal advice, etc.).
Cross-disciplinary skills.
a. Working in groups for those who choose group work
b. Public speaking (the form differs according to the group and may consist of a pleading, a seminar, legal advice in public, etc.)
c. Communicate, orally and in writing, an idea, a line of reasoning or the results of legal research in accordance with scientific ethics.
d. Defend a point of view in a reasoned manner
e. use the French language as a tool for legal thinking and master legal terminology when drafting a legal document
f. Use specific linguistic knowledge of English and Dutch, at least receptively, by researching documentary sources in Dutch and/or English.
g. Gradually acquire confidence and independence in their work.
The aim of the teaching unit is to ensure that the student has rigorously mastered the learning outcomes.
The assignments in B3 are of a different nature to those in B2. They are more concrete and closer to practice. They do not involve double marking, or step-by-step guidance in the design, research of sources and writing. The deadline for completing the work is also tighter.
The work is marked strictly in terms of methodology, the form of the work, the substance of the work, the search for plagiarism, the oral presentation and compliance with deadlines. Shortcomings or negligence in these areas will be severely punished.
B3 students must therefore demonstrate greater autonomy in their documentary research and the preparation of their work.
The work is carried out as follows.
First session
The assignment is as follows: the student writes a legal essay (with critical apparatus) on an identified legal issue under the supervision of the assignment assistant. This dissertation is then put to practical use, the methods of which are left to the discretion of the assistant. All in all, from a single subject, the student will have developed both theoretical and practical knowledge.
The type of practical work proposed may differ from one group to another, in terms of form and method, depending on the experience or specialities of the assistant promoter and in agreement with the course instructor concerned. The work may thus consist of drafting a legal opinion (consultation), conclusions, a judgment, general conditions, etc.
Second session
Students who have failed in the first session are required to improve their work in accordance with the precise instructions given to them by the assistant during the individual interview organised for the communication and explanation of marks, no later than the last day of classes in the second term. In any case, students must make in-depth improvements to both the theoretical and practical aspects of their work. In other words, to pass the 10/20 mark, students must have substantially improved their work, taking into account the fact that they have benefited from the assistant's comments as well as additional time to rework their writing.
The work must be handed in by the first day of the second session at the latest.
Specific arrangements (for Erasmus students, for example) may be provided for in the coordination document.
The assignment is marked by the assistant. It is graded out of 20 points, taking into account the quality of all the tasks carried out as part of the assignment.
The assessment criteria are set out in the TFC coordination document given to students at the beginning of the year.
Specific instructions concerning the work, in particular the use of generative artificial intelligence software, are set out in the coordination document.
• Documentary sources available at the Law Library of the Faculty and in all libraries in the country.
• Documentary sources available on the internet.
• Code Bac.
• Course syllabus.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 3 | 5 |