Learning outcomes

Learn the steps involved in any research: relevant bibliographical investigation, definition of a problem, formulation of a thesis, construction of the stages of an argumented development, elaboration of a personal position.


- to enable the student to develop and problematise a philosophical question. - To enable the student to master a classical philosophical text (analysis and synthesis) - To enable the student to write a philosophical text that is both a synthesis of his or her philosophical readings and a proposed commentary on them, with personal and critical intervention on the themes addressed in these same readings.


Start from a theme, author or "founding" work of the philosophical tradition and develop a personal writing on the subject, in dialogue with a promoter.

Teaching methods

personal follow-up of the student by the work promoter (chosen from among the professors of the Department) follow-up of the student by a team of professors, different from the promoter. Production of a written document of 150,000 characters, i.e. approximately 25 pages (line spacing: 1.5). Care in writing (lexical, syntactic, stylistic, conceptual rigour). Compliance with methodological rules (citation, footnotes, bibliographic references, table of contents), ...). Mastery of the structure of the development (choice of relevant titles and subtitles, etc.). Rigorous argumentation.

Assessment method

For the personal work in Bac III, a public defence before a jury is foreseen. The jury is composed of the promoter and another reader chosen by the members of the department. The student must present his/her work for about 10 minutes and then answer questions from the promoter and the reader. At the end of the public defence session, the promoter and reader agree on the grade to be awarded to the student. The student will be assessed at the different stages of the writing process according to the procedures that will be communicated at the beginning of the year during a meeting organised for this purpose.

Sources, references and any support material

the readings are chosen by the student in close collaboration with the work's promoter.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 0 12
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 3 12