Learning outcomes

At the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to express his understanding of what philosophical ethics is by referring to several theoretical currents of thought relating to different periods in the history of philosophy and particularly influential today.


The course's goal is to focus on what the specificity of the ethics is with respect to other fields of philosophy and others normative disciplines. It offers a first introduction to the ways ethics was treated along the history. Several still now very influent thoughts are studied.


Ethics will be approached from fundamental questions which will be formulated, discussed and then instructed from the reading of texts.

Part of the content will be constructed by the students themselves through their research approach with regard to ancient and contemporary ethical theories.

Teaching methods

Lectures will alternate with numerous opportunities for discussion in the form of questions and answers, open discussions and debates, particularly based on the questions asked by the students and on the basis of the research they will carry out themselves.

Assessment method

Oral exam (preparation + 15 minutes).

The questions will be based on a short text. They will aim to highlight the understanding of the subject and to encourage the establishment of relevant links between several ethical theories (notably the one in which the student is particularly interested).

Sources, references and any support material

The supporting texts will be available on the Webcampus platform.


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Law Standard 0 3
Certificat d'université en philosophie Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 0 3
Certificat d'université en philosophie Standard 1 3
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 1 3
Bachelor in Law Standard 3 3