Learning outcomes

EU SBIOB105 consists of two learning activities: theory (35h) and practical work (10h).


Beyond an introduction to basic notions, its objective is to familiarize the student with the cell approached under the angle of energy (concept, metabolism, chemosmosis, fermentation, respiration, photosynthesis, communication and cellular division, ...) and information (support, structure, transmission, evolution..., from DNA to proteins) This course is designed to help students understand the molecular basis of a cell.


The theoretical course will be subdivided into 3 main parts with several chapters: the molecular basis of life, cell biology and genetics and molecular biology

Teaching methods

The course will be given with the help of slides containing all the diagrams and images illustrating the different chapters as well as the key concepts. An electronic copy will be made available to the students before each lesson. It is therefore essential to take notes during the course in order to complete these slides. The theoretical course will be complemented by practical work sessions (TPs).

Assessment method

The theoretical examination is held in January, June and the end of August. The tests, both in January and in June or in the second session, are written and will consist of multiple choice and/or open questions (85% of the final score). The open questions will require only a short answer and possibly diagrams to be completed. These questions require both memory and thinking skills. The last 15% of the final score will come from the practical work. The success of the EU SBIOB105 is conditioned by the success of the theoretical exam. In case of failure of the theoretical part (even if the final mark is equal or superior to 10/20), the mark obtained for the EU SBIOB105 will correspond to the mark of the failed part. However, an exemption from practical work is possible in the following academic year.

Sources, references and any support material

The course will be based on 2 reference books while using the structure of the first: • "Biology" (5th French edition) by Raven and colleagues, published by de boeck Supérieur • "Biology" (11th French edition) by Campbell and colleagues, published by Pearson Education These two reference books are available in multiple copies at the university library where they can be consulted. It is therefore not necessary to acquire them, the slides and notes taken during the course are more than sufficient.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 0 5
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 1 5