Learning outcomes

Structure of bacterial cells and how they work; the bacterial genome; principles of antibacterial chemotherapy


To provide a basic knowledge of the bacterial cell, as a backgound for the medical microbiology course and for further autonomous learning.


  • Introduction to the world of micro-organisms
  • Structure and function of the bacterial cell, mode of action of antibiotics
  • Structure and function of the bacterial genome, genome plasticity, gene transfer

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The bacterial cell
  3. The peptidoglycane
  4. Metabolic diversity
  5. The bacterial genome
  6. Mobile genetic elements
  7. Genome plasticity
  8. The bacterial ribosome
  9. The plasma membrane : energy, exchanges, motility
  10. Export of proteins

Teaching methods

Ex-cathedra presentations with slides

Assessment method

Written exam consisting of multiple choice and/or open questions

Sources, references and any support material

Prescott's Microbiology, Wille, Sherwood, Wolverton, 10 th edition, Mc Graw-Hill education, New York 2017.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Pharmacy Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Pharmacy Standard 3 2