Learning outcomes

Developing the ability to use graph theory for modeling purposes, understanding both the underlying mathematical concepts and the various algorithms that can be implemented to solve concrete problems.


The course will present various real-life problems and will develop the mathematical concepts and theories used for modeling these problems, as well as the algorithms and implementations to solve them. The efficiency and complexity of these algorithms will also be studied.


The problems and underlying models that will be covered include:
  • Google’s search algorithm
  • Finding the shortest path for a GPS system
  • Minimizing costs in a network
  • Characterizing the robustness of networks
  • Optimal assignment of tasks to a group of people or machines
  • Programming an AI to play chess, including the use of artificial neural networks
  • Modeling a transport network
  • etc.

Teaching methods

Lecture, supplemented by a few practical work sessions to facilitate understanding of the material by applying it to exercises.

Assessment method

Details concerning the evaluation method are specified on the French language version of the descriptive sheet.

Sources, references and any support material

Syllabus available on Webcampus


Language of instruction
