Learning outcomes

The course aims to promote receptive and productive skills in German enabling them to reach the level of an A1/A2 user according to the CEFR criteria. Students will be able to understand written and oral texts concerning, among other things, everyday life in German-speaking countries and regions of Europe.


For students who have already taken one or more German language courses (and who have reached the level set by the secondary school competency standards), the introductory course offers the opportunity to deepen the basic knowledge. Students will thus enrich their knowledge of basic vocabulary and will be able to analyse and solve the difficulties associated with the study of German grammar. For students who have never had the opportunity to take a German course, the course offers a solid introduction to the basic grammar and vocabulary of German. As the introduction to the German language is done in stages, students will have the opportunity to gradually adapt to a language that has a lot in common with Dutch. For students who have never had German before, the German unit provides additional teaching support to enable them to get up to speed quickly. For students who are native speakers of German, the teaching team offers the opportunity to discover some different scenarios for teaching German as a foreign language. Based on a rather theoretical reflection on the teaching of a 'foreign language', these students will be asked to give a presentation on the EuroCom method towards the end of the first semester. The modalities will be discussed with the students at the beginning of the first semester.


Based on a few semantic fields dealing with everyday life, politics, contemporary literature, contemporary music, etc., the course and the accompanying exercises deal with the morphological categories of the German language (articles, verbs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, etc.) and - in a more indirect way - with the challenges of teaching German as a foreign language to a mixed audience.

Teaching methods

An interactive course in which both textual and audiovisual materials will be used to familiarise students with the structure of the German language. The different morphological categories of German will not be unpacked in a linear way. Rather, the course aims to provide students with the elements necessary to understand and progressively construct sentences and texts. The course is supplemented by numerous exercises. For 'German as a second language' students, the course consists of two hours of 'theory', the first of which is designed to introduce a topic (or topics) in a general way and the second to explore the topic(s) in greater depth. For 'German as a third language' students, the course consists of one hour of theory, the purpose of which is to introduce a topic (or topics) in a general way. Students of German as a second language may, but are not required to, attend the second hour offered to students of German as a second language.

Assessment method

1. Written examination (= 75% of the grade). The modalities and criteria of evaluation are described in a separate document available on WebCampus; this document will be commented by the teacher. 2. Continuous assessment on the basis of an individual portfolio as well as on the basis of grammar tests (practice + theory) and vocabulary tests (= 25% of the grade). The practical organisation of the tests as well as the evaluation methods are described in a separate document which is accessible on WebCampus and which will be commented on by the didactic collaborator responsible for the exercises.) Practical information about the second session can be found in a document that is available on WebCampus.

Sources, references and any support material

A syllabus and PowerPoint presentations will be made available to students. Students are invited to purchase the following books: - Hoberg, Rudolf & Ursula Hoberg. 2010. Deutsche Grammatik. Mannheim: Duden Verlag. ISBN-10: 3411743212 - Janitza, Jean et al. 2008. Allemand: Le vocabulaire (Collection Bescherelle Langues). Paris: Hatier. ISBN-10: 2218926237 - Brüssow, Armin & René Métrich. 2017. Maîtriser la grammaire allemande à l'écrit et à l'oral - Lycée et université (B1- B2). Paris: Hatier. ISBN-10: 2401029893

Language of instruction
