The forest estate represents 82% (295 ha) of Haugimont's total surface area. It is managed according to "Pro Silva" ecological forestry principles.

The leitmotiv of Pro Silva's management of the Haugimont woods is to'imitate nature and hasten its work. It aims to ensure economic and ecological management of the estate's natural spaces, while enabling their scientific, educational and social use. For this management, the Domaine d'Haugimont received the 2016 Prix de l'Environnement from the Fonds Baillet Latour. Among the species present in the woods are oak, beech, ash, maple, etc.

Label Haugimont

The forest management practiced by UNamur favors:

  • the resilience and profitability of the forest by favoring a mix of native hardwood forest species as well as the natural regeneration of the forest.
  • the valorization of wood from the estate via short circuits (sale of sawn timber to local buyers via the forestry cooperative SOCOFOR, sale of firewood to staff members and valorization of sawn timber at university worksites).
  • the preservation of all interesting biotopes (ponds, puddles, clay pits, hedges and copses, rare and remarkable trees, etc.).
  • a hunting method more respectful of animal welfare, traque-affût or silent push.

The estate also benefits from several labels and takes part in several initiatives in the Walloon Region:

  • 17% of the forest area is taken up as a Natura 2000 zone, including 2 hectares of this area as a conservation island.
  • The entire forest area is also taken up as a Site of Great Biological Interest (SGIB).
  • UNamur joins the "Resilient Forests" project launched by the Minister for the Environment with a view to supporting recruitment in spruce clear-cut areas, so that the natural seedlings best suited to climate change can develop.
  • The estate is a DEMNA genetic testing site for American red oak and Douglas fir.
  • It features a stand of ash seeds harvested for their high genetic value in terms of conformation for sawn timber.