Learning outcomes

To enable students to: discover and critically discuss the most innovative concepts in higher education pedagogy and give their own account of them, using them to decode a new situation; explain their personal conceptions of teaching and learning in higher education and compare them with the results of research in the field; analyse and put into perspective current pedagogical problems in higher education in the light of the course.


The common thread running through the course is the analysis of failure in mass higher education and the factors associated with it, both on the student side and on the teaching side. This theme appears to be symptomatic of other dysfunctions in higher education. What justifies the choice of this thread is the fact that the analysis of the forms and factors of massive student failure will lead us throughout the course, by ricochet, to question more generally the pedagogical modes of operation of this last level of schooling.



Teaching methods

Lectures and occasional use of active methods (discussion, case studies, etc.)

Assessment method

create an integrated file.

Sources, references and any support material

Available in the syllabus

Language of instruction
