Learning outcomes

To make students aware of the new challenges posed to fundamental rights and freedoms by the development of the information society. To present and analyse the legal instruments involved in this subject.


The course focuses on the presentation of the new concerns that the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has raised with regard to the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms. These are mainly freedom of expression, the right to privacy and personal data protection, and the rights of the citizen (e-voting, edemocracy) which are at stake. Legal instruments adopted at both international and regional (European) level provide responses to these new problems. They are presented and analysed in the course.

Assessment method

The evaluation is done through an oral exam or a written assignment. The oral examination consists of an analysis of legal issues related to the content of a press article on the subject matter covered in the course. The aim of this type of examination is to test the students' knowledge and analytical reflexes on the basis of situations taken from current events. Students may prefer to submit a written paper of about ten pages (excluding title, TDM and bibliography) on a subject related to the themes covered in the course and validated by the professor.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master de spécialisation en droits humains Standard 0 4
Master de spécialisation en droits humains Standard 1 4