Learning outcomes

This course introduces the specific problem of large modern information systems. To this end, the course will have two parts: a theoretical presentation and presentations of case studies by outsiders. This course will allow students to appreciate the relevance of various courses which are delivered over its future cursus.

Table of contents

Case studies Conceptual organization of information systems Physical organization of information systems Software architectures

Teaching methods

The course will include

  • Ex-cathedra lessons on the theoretical principles ;
  • Presentations of case studies introduced by guest lecturers.


Assessment method

The evaluation will cover both the theoretical understanding of concepts and lectures outsiders. The exam is oral.

Sources, references and any support material

  • Laudon, Kenneth and Jane Laudon. Management des systèmes d'information. Pearson Education, 2020.
  • Stair, R. and Reynolds G. Principles of Information Systems. Thomson, 2020.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Computer Science Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Computer Science Standard 1 3