The University of Namur offers training related to the theme of gender. The certificate offered aims to equip professionals in various sectors to better understand and spot gender-based violence. The master's degree in gender studies, on the other hand, promotes an interdisciplinary approach to effectively support the victims and perpetrators of such violence.

Discrimination and gender-based violence

The aim of this certificate is to enable front-line professionals in the health, psycho-social, judicial, communication and education sectors to understand and spot gender-based violence in order to better respond to and prevent it. Participants will mobilize the concepts of gender, inequality, power relations and intersectionality within the framework of a theoretical and field analysis of the phenomena of gender-based violence. He/she will be able to accompany a victim/perpetrator of gender-based violence, and to do so in an interdisciplinary way.

The certificate offered by Henallux and UNamur will be organized in an interdisciplinary way at the level of organization, speakers as well as target audience.

Gender studies

The Master of Specialization in Gender Studies is a program that trains experts in issues related to gender, gender equality and sexuality in all sectors, and thus participates in the fight against discrimination. It pools the expertise of the six universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in this field, creating or federating specific and original teaching units.

This master's degree offers multi- and interdisciplinary training in the field of gender studies, drawing on an intersectional perspective. The training emphasizes an understanding of the processes that determine how social relations of gender and sexuality are integrated and constructed at different levels of society, and affect social, political and cultural practices and relations.