The mission of the Vice-Rectorate for Sustainable Development is to develop the implementation of sustainable development policies within the institution. Since 2021, the Vice-Rector in charge of Sustainable Development has been Laurent Schumacher, a professor in the Faculty of Computer Science.
Education policy
The elements of current rectoral policy in this area are as follows:
- Develop and coordinate actions and projects with societal players in the fields of waste management, transport and energy;
- Plan and implement coherent, transparent and sustainable university district developments, drawing inspiration in particular from the Master Plan and meeting the imperatives of making the campus safer ;
- Establish and implement the "company travel plan" and projects to minimize the environmental footprint of the University of Namur
Laurent Schumacher
Vice-Rector, Sustainable DevelopmentJuliana Bolzonello
Secretariat of the Vice-Rector for Sustainable DevelopmentThe Sustainable Development Coordination Unit
The Sustainable Development Coordination Unit replaces the former Institutional Sustainable Development Group. It is attached to the Vice-Rectorate for Sustainable Development.
- Laurent Schumacher, Vice-Rector for Sustainable Development and President of the cell,
- Simon Hauser, Eco-counsellor, mobility manager and steward of the Haugimont forest estate,
- Benjamin Lapiere, President of the Assemblée des Kots-à-projet (AKàP) of the General Assembly of Students (AGE),
- Margaux Homans, Campus life delegate of the General Assembly of Students (AGE),
- Noémie François, Eva Gonzo and Marie Verecken, representatives of the CoKot, Kotélocal and BioKot kot-à-projets invested in Sustainable Development.
The Sustainable Development Coordination Unit meets regularly with individuals or representatives of departments/faculties/groups invested in Sustainable Development, as projects and needs dictate. Its aim is to share information, initiate and coordinate certain cross-functional projects, provide as much support as possible to different initiatives as and when requested, and set up federating information channels.
Declaration of Higher Education for Sustainable Development
As early as 2011, the University of Namur officially incorporated a sustainable development policy into its priorities. This commitment was quickly confirmed by the signing of the Higher Education Declaration for Sustainable Development of RIO+20 decided at the June 2012 United Nations Conference in Rio de Janeiro. In it, the University publicly committed to:
- Teach Sustainable Development concepts
- Encourage research in this field
- Eco-responsible its campus
- Support Sustainable Development efforts at local and regional level
History of sustainable development at UNamur

Creation of a Groupe développement durable (GDD) to initiate reflection and activities related to this theme.
Signature of the Higher Education Declaration for Sustainable Development.
Launch of the Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Développement Durable NAGRIDD to federate research related to sustainable development.
Creation of a Vice-Rectorate for Sustainable Development, whose main mission is to develop and implement sustainable development policies within the institution, with the opening of a Mobility Manager and Eco-Counsellor position.
First call for "Sustainable Namur Campus" (CaNdLE) projects launched to invite the university community to propose actions aimed at making the campus and university activity more sustainable in the short, medium and long term.
Second call for "Sustainable Namur Campus" projects (CaNdLE).
The GDD has given way to a Cellule de Coordination du Développement Durable, which is smaller and more flexible. The cell regularly invites players invested in sustainable development and transition within the university.
The two institutes ILEE and Transitions have taken over the missions of the NAGRIDD group.
Setting up a Environment Cell within the SIGEC Support division.
Third call for "Sustainable Namur Campus" projects (CaNdLE).
Fourth call for "Sustainable Namur Campus" projects (CaNdLE).