Learning outcomes

Since 2005, companies listed on any stock exchange in the European Union have been required to publish their consolidated accounts in accordance with international accounting standards (IAS/IFRS of the IASB), which have been approved by European regulations. The objective of the "International Accounting Standards" course is to explain the accounting treatment of certain transactions under the international framework.


In the framework of the "International Accounting Standards" course, the international accounting standards, both in terms of presentation of financial statements and in terms of valuation rules, are presented. These different standards are illustrated with the help of examples (practical cases, extracts from annual reports, etc.). The standards relating to consolidation methods are not covered in this course.

Assessment method

Students will submit a written examination on all the material presented in the lecture. This exam covers the principles contained in the International Accounting Standards through theoretical questions and/or exercises. The exam is composed of two parts: a written exam on the subject taught by C. DENDAUW and a written exam on the subject taught by L. DEMEULEMEESTER. Each of these two parts is worth half the points.

Language of instruction
