Learning outcomes

The internship provides students with the opportunity to put their acquired knowledge to the test within the context of their education and to gain new knowledge and skills directly related to the challenges and realities they encounter during their assignments. This experiential learning aspect is at the core of the evaluation for this course.


Two main learning objectives are targeted:

  1. Firstly, the internship allows the student to put to the test the knowledge and conceptual tools they have acquired over almost four years. It promotes an embodied learning of subjects that were previously mainly theoretical. This first objective can be characterized as practical. The specific tasks to be performed and the evaluation of the student's work at this level are the responsibility of the internship supervisor.

  2. Secondly, the internship enables the student to develop and test cross-cutting skills such as observation, problem-solving, analysis/synthesis, and communication that they can apply in future professional situations. The definition of this second objective and the evaluation of the student at this level fall under academic responsibility.


The internship assignments are defined in partnership with the hosting company/organization. They must be approved by the Corporate Cell (jean-luc.gustin@unamur.be) before the convention is signed. During the internship, students are guided in identifying a personal learning project that will be at the core of the evaluation for this course.

Teaching methods

  • Collective follow-up from project approval to its evaluation.
  • Individual monitoring upon request by the intern (john.cultiaux@unamur.be).
  • The different stages of this activity and its evaluation are described in the "Intern's Guide" and other materials available on WebCampus.

Deployment stages of the internship:

  • The internship project and the mission are submitted in writing to the administrative supervisor of the Corporate Cell before the convention is signed: jean-luc.gustin@unamur.be.
  • The personal learning project will be submitted by October 30th / March 30th, by uploading it on WebCampus (evaluation section / your personal learning project).
  • Submission of the internship report and the internship logbook (MDS evaluation) on the first day of the session, by uploading it on WebCampus (evaluation section / your internship report).

Assessment method

The final evaluation takes into consideration the following elements:

  • Internship report (academic evaluation of the Personal Learning Project)
  • Internship logbook (evaluation by the company)
  • Final interview: professional presentation of the Personal Learning Project (via TEAMS, unless otherwise indicated)

The specifications of the evaluation are detailed in the "Intern's Guide" available on WebCampus.

Sources, references and any support material

UNamur Trainee's Guide (WebCampus, to be consulted first)

Language of instruction
