Internship (Research Lab/Industry)
- UE code SMMMM202
- ECTS Credits 30
Being able to adapt to a new research environment, either academic or non-academic, based on the autonomy gained during the master thesis. Being able to be familiar with a new topic in molecular microbiology, and to present it to colleagues through through a written document and an oral presentation followed by a scientific discussion.
The internship is the ultimate step of the master in molecular microbiology and will benefit from the theoretical and practical scientific knowledge acquired during the first three semesters. The M2 students will spend almost five months in a research host lab of their choice outside UNamur campus (ideally abroad) and will gain more expertise via a new research project on a new microorganism using new experimental approaches. After completion of their internship, the M2 students will be asked to provide a 10 pages report summarizing their findings and to present a 15 min scientific talk followed by a 25 min discussion with the jury.
- Adapt to a new research environment, being able to perform experiments in a new lab, on a new topic (often including new techniques) compared to the master thesis
- Master the literature of a new topic, and thus the context of the proposed research
- Present the results obatined and placing them in the general context of the study (written and oral)
The student will perform full time research work in a new environment, possibly abroad, in an academic or non-academic laboratory, under the guidance of a supervisor and a tutor.
Lab research
The evaluation is based on :
- the written report, usually due around 10-15 of June (the excat date will be communicated to the students)
- the oral presentation (15 min)
- the quality of the scientific discussion (20 min)
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Master in Molecular Microbiology, Research focus | Standard | 0 | 30 | |
Master in Molecular Microbiology, Research focus | Standard | 2 | 30 |