Introduction to scientific research
- UE code SCHIM113
- ECTS Credits 12
At the end of the course, the student will be able to : • Initiate original experimental research in a research laboratory; • Begin to work both collaboratively and independently in a research laboratory; • Write a short report, meeting university teaching standards, summarising the research project and the initial research results; • Present the research project and the first research results to an academic and scientific audience; • Defend and justify the research work carried out from a scientific point of view;
The dissertation (see SCHIM201) spans the two years of the Master's programme (2nd semester of Master 1 and 1st semester of Master 2). The SCHIM113 course corresponds to the initiation and the first implementation of the dissertation work. At the end of the first four-month period of the Master 1, the student chooses his or her promoter and defines a research topic with him or her. During the second term of the Master 1, the student devotes the time available to bibliographical research on the chosen subject and to laboratory work. At the end of this term, the student writes a report on the research project and the first results obtained.
The student carries out his/her research under the supervision of his/her promoter and with the help of the researchers in charge of supervising him/her. They have access to the resources of the laboratory to carry out their research. He/she is required to attend and participate in seminars organised by the research laboratory.
At the beginning of the June session, the student submits a written report on the research project and the first results obtained. The written work must be submitted to the jury at least 8 days before the presentation. During the June session, the student presents his/her work to a Jury. The juries are made up of at least 5 people (including 3 academics from the Chemistry Department from different laboratories). These juries are common to all the students of the same unit. The jury members are responsible for marking the written work and the oral defence. The promoter is also responsible for marking the student's daily work. The assessment is based on the work done during the year, the written report submitted by the student and the presentation and defence before the jury. The assessment of the teaching unit is based on three elements: • The quality of the work done since the beginning of the project - noted by the thesis promoter in consultation with the supervising team. This element counts for 50% of the EU mark. • The quality of the written text - graded by the members of the jury This element counts for 25% of the EU mark. • The quality of the oral presentation and defence - marked by the members of the jury This element counts for 25% of the EU mark. The report and the slides will be in English except for research topics where French is an integral part of the work. The Unit will decide whether the presentation will be in French or English. A (non-exhaustive) list of evaluation criteria is available on WebCampus
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Master in Chemistry, Professional focus in Chemistry in Industry | Standard | 0 | 12 | |
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus | Standard | 0 | 12 | |
Master in Chemistry, Research focus | Standard | 0 | 12 | |
Master in Chemistry, Professional focus in Chemistry in Industry | Standard | 1 | 12 | |
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus | Standard | 1 | 12 | |
Master in Chemistry, Research focus | Standard | 1 | 12 |