Learning outcomes

The course :
introduces the main sedimentological processes
provides the basis for (re)understanding the nature of the main sedimentary rocks
describes the links between the (palaeo)environmental context and the type of deposits
enables students to familiarise themselves with the description of sedimentary rocks using thin sections.


Learn to identify sedimentary rocks by i) macroscopic observation (review of block 1) and ii) examination of thin sections using a polarising optical microscope. Students will then interpret their observations in order to define the environmental context of deposition. At the end of this course, the student should be able to deduce the context of deposition of sedimentary rocks and draw geological applications from it.


The course successively describes the different sedimentary rocks (terrigenous detritus, evaporite, limestone, carbonaceous) based on the (palaeo)environmental context in which they were formed.
4 practical sessions (analysis of thin sections)
1 day in the field (Hoyoux valley)

Teaching methods

Observe - Describe - Analyse - Interpret are the key words on which the EU is based.

Assessment method

Theoretical written exam (50% of final grade)
Practical microscope examination, description of thin slides (40% of final grade)
Field trip report linking the practical work and theoretical concepts (10% of final grade)

Sources, references and any support material

Conjan I., Renard M. 1997. Sédimentologie. Masson Ed. ISBN 2-225-85430-0

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Geology Standard 0 4
Bachelor in Geology Standard 2 4