Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will have acquired a technological analysis grid allowing him/her to apprehend in a precise manner the reality of certain aspects of an information system and to apply the principles relevant legal provisions.


The objective of the course is to enable the student to carry out an in-depth analytical reflection on information and communication technologies by integrating both the technological and legal dimensions.


Based on the technical and legal aspects already taught, the course proposes a methodology of analysis implemented in the study of five current technological themes: • artificial intelligence • blockchain • e-mail • geolocation • surfing the internet • social networks • health platforms • eCommerce • intellectual property • hacking

Teaching methods

The pedagogy of the course is doubly interactive: • Firstly, there are two teachers for the course: each topic is dealt with jointly by the two teachers, who therefore teach together in an articulated manner; • then, students are invited to participate in the analysis of the technical and legal aspects on the basis of their knowledge and in particular on the basis of those already taught in the framework of the Internet Master. Each course is organised in 3 parts: • a technical presentation on a topic related to the course theme • one case study per group; the case study is prepared by a group of students designated by the teachers, under their supervision; they prepare the debate in advance, lead it, and produce a summary of the treatment of the subject in the form of a written report • a time for pooling and legal debriefing Participation in the course is compulsory.

Assessment method

The evaluation is carried out by group; each group is responsible for developing a case study on a given theme, under the supervision of the teachers, for leading the debate on this theme, and for writing a summary report containing the main elements for reflection on this theme from a technical and legal perspective. Participation in the course is required and is part of the assessment

Language of instruction
