Learning outcomes

Specific competences of the course - Integrate the different facets of the legal profession concerned and participate in parts of the professional activities carried out by the supervisor, under his/her guidance and advice. -Critically appraise the qualities required for the legal profession practised by the tutor, and the issues and challenges associated with that profession. -Put into practice the theoretical concepts discussed in the courses that are relevant to the trade concerned; in the process, identify obstacles and devise solutions to overcome them. Cross-cutting competences -Implementing soft skills, during exchanges with the supervisor and the various people involved, particularly in terms of written or verbal communication. -Develop the ability to integrate into a professional environment.


The aim is to give the student an early opportunity to come into contact with a legal profession and to become familiar with the concrete implementation of concepts that he/she will have studied theoretically in the academic courses. Internship agreements are concluded with representatives of the various professions concerned, including lawyers, magistrates, notaries, bailiffs, as well as lawyers linked to the business, public and voluntary sectors. The course takes place between October and April. Its duration varies between a minimum of 60 hours and a maximum of 75 hours. The hours are to be agreed between the trainer and the trainee. The student trainee is supervised by the academic manager.


The content of the internship and the nature of the work performed by the student trainee are determined by the profession concerned.

Teaching methods

The supervisor defines the services to be performed by the student according to his/her activities. He/she advises the student on how to perform these tasks. The academic supervisor supervises the placement and guides the student, particularly in writing the report (see below).

Assessment method

At the end of the internship, the trainee is asked to write a ten-page document outlining the activities in which he/she participated, the issues and challenges related to the profession concerned, and the lessons he/she learned from the experience. He/she supports his/her report with concrete examples. Specific instructions for writing up the work, in particular the use of generative artificial intelligence software, are set out in the ‘rapport de stage’ document sent to students at the beginning of the year.

In turn, the supervisor gives an overall assessment to the academic supervisor. The student's report, as well as the assessment expressed by the supervisor, are taken into consideration by the academic supervisor for the attribution of a final grade.

Sources, references and any support material

Not applicable

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Law Standard 0 4
Bachelor in Law Standard 3 4