This programme is organised jointly with the University of Liège.

For more information about the full programme, please visit the website of the University of Liège.

To register for the programme, please contact the admissions service of the University of Liège.

The University of Namur organises the following activities :

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Admission requirements

Les conditions d'admission à ce master codiplômé par l'UNamur et l'ULiège sont décrites sur le site de l’ULiège.


This Master is offered jointly by UNamur and ULiège. For details of conditions for admission, please see the ULiège website.


The University of Namur offers a Master in Biomedical Sciences with professional focus in Biomedical Data Management, a joint degree with the University of Liège.

For more information about the full programme, please visit the website of the University of Liège.

To register for the programme, please contact the admissions service of the University of Liège.