Personal research work
This is a scientific report of 25 to 40 pages, i.e. in a publishable format
The juries for the dissertations are set up by the Faculty Council on the basis of a proposal from the Chair of the Jury, by the end of April of the year of the Specialised Master's Degree. Juries are made up of at least three readers, including the promoter, PhDs and members of the academic or scientific staff of a university or research centre, or a body deemed to be equivalent.
The dissertation may only be submitted for assessment with the agreement of the promoter(s). Both content and form (written and oral) will be assessed. Particular attention will be paid to originality. The jury will make use of the "anti-plagiarism" tools made available to it by the University authorities, as plagiarism constitutes grounds for non-admissibility of the dissertation.
Examples of assessment criteria: compliance with the orientations of the section and option, scientific quality, technical quality, innovation and originality, quality of the state of the art and references, written presentation (plan, style), quality of the oral presentation and its support, quality of the answers to oral questions, overall judgement.
Interdisciplinary expert work
This is a report of 5 to 10 pages, written collectively. The report will be evaluated by min three people (members of academic or scientific staff, experts...)
The final mark will be made up of 2/3 personal work and 1/3 group work.