Learning outcomes

A Master's thesis is conceived as the result of an original research work by which the student shows a real capacity to understand the economic reasoning, as taught in the Master's courses, and its application to a specific subject. It is therefore a scientific work whose objective is to bring a precise economic analysis to a given problem.


The dissertation requires a systematic approach that avoids the repetition of commonplaces and focuses on the rigour of the argument, the presentation of different points of view and the justification of the theses put forward. This approach should include: - A motivational statement: why is it important to study the chosen topic? What can be expected from such a study? - A review of the literature that is as comprehensive as possible and shows an understanding of the scientific contributions, without necessarily having been the subject of specific teaching. - Theoretical and/or empirical analysis: this involves explaining the theoretical foundations and methods used, and justifying the choices of modelling, analysis method or empirical application. - The development of relevant conclusions: in particular, the development of an adequate interpretation of the results obtained and, where appropriate, the drafting of solutions.

Assessment method

A dissertation receives - a mark of 12/20 when there are no major faults in the analysis, method and interpretation of the results, and the presentation is sufficiently clear and precise; - a mark of 14/20 when the student demonstrates a good command of the concepts and methods used, and a good understanding of the problem studied; the student will also have demonstrated a significant degree of autonomy during the completion of the dissertation. - If this mastery is perfect, the literature review is complete, and the application of relatively sophisticated methods is sufficiently accomplished, the dissertation may be awarded a mark of 16/20. - If, in addition, the dissertation contains a novel approach, an original theoretical development, or the application of sophisticated methods that are not normally part of the basic methods taught in the courses, the dissertation may be awarded a mark of up to 18/20. - Above 17.5/20, the dissertation should normally contain sufficient original elements to allow the student to make an original scientific contribution, even if limited in scope. The quality of the oral defence is also a factor in the final assessment.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Economics : General, Professional focus Standard 0 20
Master in Economics : General, Professional focus Standard 2 20