Learning outcomes

At the end of the master thesis, the students will be able to achieve a critical analysis of their own data and to propose future experiments. They will have acquire a scientific autonomy which will prepare them for a PhD thesis.


- labwork

- computer work (in silico analyses, literature search, preparation of presentation, manuscript writing)

- group meetings, research unit meetings, local and national scientific meetings

Assessment method

- In January, the students are requested to upload on Webcampus a pdf manuscript in English of maximum 20000 words (table of content, abstract, figure legends and bibliography not included) including an abstract (max 500 words), an introduction (max 5000 words), the aim of the work, the experimental procedure, the results and the discussion and perspectives. Discussion and perspectives must be personal and go beyond a “simple” summary of the work. The writing will fulfil the following requirements: Calibri font 11-12, line spacing 1.15, figures in the text, numbered referencing. The manuscript must be approved by the supervisor before upload on Webcampus.
The manuscript will be evaluated by the jury members and the average of the grades provided by the jury members accounts for 35% of the Master thesis grade.
- One week later, each student gives a public 15 minutes’ presentation emphasizing the Research context, the aim of the project (highlighting the biological question), the strategy, the results and the perspectives. It should be noted that the students are graded on the ability to analyse and to discuss the data more than on the amount of data gathered during their Master thesis. The presentation is followed by a 25 minutes Q/A session by the jury members. The jury members are requested to focus their questions on the content of the work and keep minor comments for a private discussion with the student. The average of the grades provided by the jury members for this presentation accounts for 35% of the Master thesis.
The PPT presentation file must be sent to the Master thesis coordinator the day before the presentation in order to be uploaded on the computer that will be used for this purpose. The presentation schedule is communicated a few days before the presentations day.
- Each supervisor grades (30% of the Master thesis grade) his/her student by considering the lab work, the discussions, the motivation and the evolution of the student throughout the Master thesis.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Molecular Microbiology, Research focus Standard 0 30
Master in Molecular Microbiology, Research focus Standard 2 30