Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this work, students will be able:


  • to analyze critically a biomedical question
  • to write in English a synthetic dissertation on a biomedical question
  • to present orally their work and to defend it


The aim of this personal work is to train students in analyzing the literature on a specific question, in writing in English a review manuscript and in defending their work following an oral presentation.


Students may find a vademecum in WebCampus, which lays down the recommendations for the writing of the thesis manuscript.

Teaching methods

The analytical work is performed under the supervision of the professor who proposed the biomedical question.

Assessment method

Students will write a mini-review in English. The manuscript, the oral presentation and the defense will be assessed by a jury composed of three researchers.


The promoter and the jury will grade the student following these guidelines:


  • The promoter (/20): based upon the quality of the student work
  • Jury’s member (/20):
  • Manuscript (50%)
  • Oral presentation and defense (50%)


Final grade: Promoter (/10) + Jury (/10).

The exact modalities of the evaluation are likely to be modified during the preparation of the examination schedules, depending on the practical constraints with which the faculty administration may be confronted, or in the event of illness / force majeure / encroachment with an internship, or because of the health situation related to the coronavirus.

Sources, references and any support material

Pubmed and other bibliographical repositories.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Biomedical Sciences Standard 0 18
Master in Biomedical Sciences Standard 1 18