Learning outcomes

The objective of this course are
  • the acquisition by students of technical knowledge in mathematics, and more particularly in mathematical analysis, knowledge necessary for their general scientific training and in computer science
  • to provide a tool for precision of language, to develop the capacity for rigorous reasoning and creativity, and to help in the formation of the scientific mind.


This first part of the lectures on analysis will focus on sets and sequences of real numbers, and will explain the progressive and rigorous construction of scientific knowledge. The student will be led to understand the need to base knowledge on rigorous proofs and demonstrations rather than on intuition or example.


After reminders of fundamental notions, in particular on the usual notations and set theory, the course will explore the notion of sequences of real numbers (limit, convergence, monotone sequences, Cauchy sequences). The important theorems on the convergence of sequences will be presented as well as their demonstration.

Teaching methods

Lectures and pratical sessions.

Assessment method

Details concerning the evaluation method are specified on the French language version of the descriptive sheet.

Sources, references and any support material

Syllabus available on Webcampus

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Computer Science Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Computer Science Standard 1 2