Learning outcomes

At the end of the cursus, students should

  •     Use mathematical language in a correct manner, in order to propose models or to construct proofs,
  •     Be able to develop analytic ability in first order logic, set and relation theory.


This course builds on key concepts to first order logic, set and relation theory.

Teaching methods

Academic lectures (15h), accompanied by exercise sessions in small groups (15h)

Assessment method

Written exam made of exercices to solve and proofs to be made. Special care will be put on how  students explain their mathematical reasoning and deductions. Clarity and formalism are thus important.

The exam takes place in January. Would you need to pass the exam again, this would take place on August. It is not possible to pass the exam in June. 

The written assessment has two parts: A first determining part: questions which relate both to definitions and statements of theorems, as well as to calculation or short reflection exercises. This part is decisive, meaning that if the student obtains (for this first part) a grade less than or equal to 3,5/10 (or 7/20, or 35% of the points of the question), it will then be the final score (maximum 6/20) of the exam. A second (more important) part consists of exercises similar to those covered in tutorial sessions or during classes, as well as those proposed in the course. These exercises are the most important part of the exam. The student will have to demonstrate his understanding of the mathematical mechanisms used to solve the proposed exercises. Special care will be put on how  students explain their mathematical reasoning and deductions. Clarity and formalism are thus important. 

If the exam is done online (remote), an update of the proposed method may take place.




Language of instruction
