Learning outcomes


The general objectif of the lecture is to provide students with basics of mathematics, in particular to those who have been away from this area for a long time. Area of concern are  linear algebra and discrete mathematics.  

At the end of the cursus, students should 

  • Use mathematical language in a correct manner,
  • Be able to develop analytic ability in first order logic and boolean calculus,
  • Master algorithms used to express coding,
  • Be able to manipulate numerically different representations of numbers (integers, reals, complex numbers), 
  • Be able to solve system of linear equations, 
  • master matrix and vector algebra, 
  • determine associated algebraic structure to any operation defined to any set. 




This lecture's content is divided into two main parts, i.e. discrete mathematics and linear algebra. 

In discrete mathematics, key concepts are 

  • Introduction to first order logic
  • Boolean calculus  
  • Coding, and in particular linear coding
  • Representation of numbers

In linear algebra, we are working with 

  • algorithms to solve systems of linear equations, 
  • matrix algebra, 
  • vectorial spaces and algebraic structures in general. 


Teaching methods

Academic lectures (30h), accompanied by exercise sessions (30h)

Assessment method


Written exam of 3H made of exercices to solve.

Special care will be put on how students explain their mathematical reasoning and deductions. Clarity and formalism are thus important. 


Sources, references and any support material


Many books in this area exist. To cite but only one, there is - R.P. Grimaldi. Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An applied introduction. Fifth Edition. Pearson Eduction, 2004.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Computer Science (shift schedule) Standard 0 10
Bachelor in Computer Science (shift schedule) Standard 1 10