Learning outcomes

The first aim of the course is to consolidate and extend the theoretical and technical knowledge acquired to varying degrees depending on the options chosen in secondary education. It then provides essential supplements for future users of mathematics, thus preparing them for studies in later years. The aim is not just to acquire the tools. It also aims to develop a critical mind and a way of approaching problems with rigour and precision.


- Provide the essential tools for the rest of the course.

- Develop rigour and precision.

- Develop the ability to think critically.


After a review of fundamental concepts, the main chapters in the theory of functions of one variable are reviewed: elementary functions, limits, continuity, asymptotes, derivation and associated theorems, variation of functions and construction of their graphs, study of extrema, logarithmic and exponential functions, primitives and integrals.

Teaching methods

Ex cathedra courses (2-4 hours per week) focusing mainly on the theoretical foundations illustrated by various examples. A full syllabus is provided, as well as the slides used during the lessons.

Exercise sessions (one 2-hour session per week) in groups of around forty students. The students prepare the exercises for each session.

Exercise review sessions are scheduled at the end of each term.

Remedial sessions are scheduled during the second term.

A formative test is organised in the middle of the term. The teacher is available to students by e-mail or by appointment for any further explanation.

Assessment method

Written examination in two parts: one, lasting approximately 45 minutes, covers the theory and is designed to assess both understanding and memorization; the other, lasting approximately 2 hours 15 minutes, is mainly concerned with solving exercises and various applications.

Sources, references and any support material

  • HAEUSSLER E.F.Jr., PAUL R.S., WOOD R.J., Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics,and Life and Social Sciences, Pearson, 2008.
  • SIMON C., BLUME L., Mathématiques pour économistes, De Boeck Université, 1998.
  • SYDSAETER K., HAMMOND P., Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Pearson, 2008.
  • G. COURTADE-COULOMB, Bases mathématiques pour l'économie et la gestion, tome 2, Les Editions d'Organisation, Paris, 1991.
  • E.T. DOWLING, Mathématiques pour l'économiste, 2e éd., Série Schaum, Mc Graw Hill, 1995.
  • J.E. FREUND and T.A. WILLIAMS, College Mathematics with Business Applications, 3d ed., Prentice-Hall, 1983.
  • J.E. WEBER, Mathematical Analysis, Business and Economic Applications, 4th ed., Harper & Row, 1982.

Language of instruction
