Learning outcomes

The main purpose of this course is to master the ideas and techniques of linear algebra used in economics and management.


The course aims to deepen understanding of mathematics and more particularly of linear algebra. We study matrix operations, determinants, linear systems, the notion of rank, the notion of vector space, linear applications, orthogonality, vectors and eigenvalues of a matrix, diagonalization and quadratic forms. Various applications are treated at different stages of the course: input-output analysis, Markov process, ...

Teaching methods

Ex cathedra teaching (15 lectures) completed by 9 exercises sessions. A syllabus based on the slides is proposed, as well as a list of exercises.

Assessment method

A three-hour written exam (closed book) based on the theory and exercices seen in the course.

Sources, references and any support material

SIMON C., BLUME L., Mathématiques pour économistes, De Boeck Université, 1998.

SYDSAETER K., HAMMOND P., Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Pearson, 2008.

Language of instruction
