Learning outcomes

The Media Law course aims, first, to raise the student's awareness of the general principles and rules governing expression and information in the broad sense and, second, to enable the student to understand the developments resulting from the advent of Web 2.0.


The course consists of five three-hour sessions divided into several themes:

  • General introduction (the historical context of the press and media; the impact of technological developments on the law; the notions of "media" and "journalists"; the role of "watchdog")
  • Rights, freedoms and new technologies (fundamental provisions of press and media law; principles of freedom of expression and press; broad scope of freedom of expression and press (material and personal); protection of journalistic sources; rights in the information collection phase; processing of personal data for journalistic purposes)
  • Duties, responsibilities and new technologies (principle; the responsibility of the person carrying out journalistic activities; a particular case of responsibility related to ICT: the right to be forgotten ; journalistic ethics)
  •  Analysis of a specific theme of your choice: fight against "fake news" (online disinformation), online hate speech,...

Teaching methods

Ex cathedra lectures based on powerpoint présentations.

The course seks to involve students.

Assessment method

June : written exam that assesses the ability of the students to understand the évolution of the media régulation and the stakes raised by the digital transition.


August : oral exam.

Language of instruction
