Learning outcomes

Knowledge of the spatial and temporal dimensions of law. Ability to analyse a case law decision and in particular a cassation decision. Mastery of the methods and tools of legal documentary research. Ability to find, on a given topic, relevant and up-to-date legislative, jurisprudential and doctrinal sources. Writing skills (rigour, precision, style, richness of vocabulary, logical organisation of the subject) and analytical skills (understanding a legal theme, summarising the essential elements). Ability to speak in public and to prepare an appropriate support for an oral presentation.


The course has two objectives: it aims to - to complete the SPD course of the 1st block on the issues of "law in space", "law in time" and "case law as a source of law - To familiarise students with documentary sources (legislation, case law, doctrine), to introduce them to the analysis of case law decisions at different levels, and to teach them the methods of legal documentary research.


The courses cover law in space; law in time; documentary sources in law; electronic research tools; decision commentary; references; public speaking. The research methods taught are both traditional (paper publications) and electronic (legal databases and websites).

Assessment method

The evaluation of the knowledge acquired in the subjects of "law in time", "law in space" and "analysis of cassation judgments" is carried out through a written exam at the end of November. The evaluation of the knowledge acquired in terms of research methodology is carried out through "legal methodology work": students are invited to write a legal essay in a group dealing with various aspects of the same subject. Students are assessed by the assistant who supervises them, on the basis of their written work and the oral presentation of this work. The assessment criteria established by the professor and the general organisation of the process are detailed in the "Methodology Workbook". The professor in charge of the course is responsible for the marks during the deliberations. The mark awarded for the assignment (including the assessment of the written text as well as the oral presentation) is worth ¾ of the final score for the legal methodology course. The mark awarded for the examination is worth 1/4 of the final result. However, a failure on the work is called an "absorbing failure" because you cannot pass the course if you have a failure on the work part, even if the average of the two parts would normally be above 10. The points for the whole course are automatically capped at 9/20 in the case of a failure on the work.

Sources, references and any support material

The course material consists of a slide show presented during the lecture accompanied by the book: Guide des citations, références et abréviations juridiques, 6th edition.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelier en philosophie Standard 0 6
Bachelier en droit Standard 0 6
Bachelier en philosophie Standard 2 6
Bachelier en droit Standard 2 6
Bachelier en philosophie Standard 3 6