Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able (individually or in groups) to
- present themselves orally in a professional way ;
- summarise in writing and in a structured way information gathered on a given subject, a company, an organisation, a party, a political institution, etc. ;
- be able to present the results of their research orally;
- write a letter of application and a curriculum vitae;
- take part in a job interview;
- respond concisely in writing to reflective and comparative questions on the business world, using the necessary vocabulary and grammatical structures;
- use vocabulary related to the world of work
- demonstrate mastery of grammatical structures at B1+ level.


The aim of the course is to prepare you to communicate in a professional environment (company, public body) and to develop the following cross-disciplinary skills alongside your command of the foreign language: cooperation, analysis, critical thinking and synthesis, stress management, time management and deadlines.


In this last compulsory Dutch course of your course, you will perfect the basic knowledge (vocabulary, grammar, etc.) that you have acquired in the 1st and 2nd year through activities that put into practice your communicative skills (oral and written expression, reading, listening) relating to the professional environment.

Teaching methods

• Interactive seminar (max. 30 students/group).

- Personal work: see the "Persoonlijke presentatie" document.
- Based on the results obtained for the Dutch 2 course, students are classified into two teaching levels (B2/C1, B1+).
- The course takes place every other week.
- The course will be based, among other things, on the principle of the flipped classroom: students prepare materials (texts, videos) and exercises (oral, written) before the course in order to use them in presentation and exchange activities proposed by the teacher during the course.
- Mr Vanparys' students (B2/C1 level group) have to do more research/reading and present it orally. The assessment is therefore adapted for these students.

Assessment method

- Specific assessment with Mr Vanparys for Group 1 students (B2/C1 level).
- The course can only be passed if all parts of the mark have been presented and if at least 3 parts out of 5 have an average of 10 or more. Any part not presented or any unjustified absence will prevent us from calculating the student's mark and will result in a mark of 1/20 for the whole course. However, for the August session, if the overall average for the course is less than 10/20, each student will only repeat the parts for which he or she did not obtain 10/20.
- Persoonlijke presentatie" (see webcampus document) 20%.
- Written exam in January 25%.
Students who are on Erasmus in q1 (except those in group 1 - level B2/C1), sit this assessment at the January session or at a later date agreed with the students concerned.
The written exam will cover : 
- mastery of the vocabulary covered in the course ;
- mastery of grammatical points at B1+ level;
- short written questions directly related to the activities of the first four months.
- Continuous assessment 20 %
Students do not have the opportunity to repeat the continuous assessment in second session, as it is based on regular work and a multitude of tasks. The continuous assessment mark is therefore copied as it is in second session.
All of the student's work during the course will be assessed. For some tasks, the teacher will simply look at whether or not the task has been completed. In other cases, a more detailed assessment will be carried out. These assessments may involve both oral and written skills and will be assessed either individually, in pairs or in groups. 
An extra session will be added to your timetable in Q2 for a meeting with one or more business professionals. This will give rise to an extension task.
The continuous assessment mark will be based on the mathematical average of the various graded tasks.
- June 35% exam
Written part in preparation for the oral (10%): letter of application + curriculum vitae in response to a job offer selected by the student, due no later than Wednesday 8 May. Assessment will be based on :
- the match between the letter and the vacancy ;
- the quality of the language (vocabulary, grammar) ;
- coherence and structure of ideas.
Oral exam (25%): conditional on the timely submission of the letter of application + cv + job offer (see above).
- Interview on the basis of the job offer.
ERAMUS students
Erasmus students in Q1 (except those in group 1) will have to produce a piece of work to make up for the work not done in Q1. This work will be included in their continuous assessment grade. (see instructions available on Webcampus during Q1).
MASTER students
Master's students must follow the Dutch 3 course and take the assessments in the same way as other students.
However, Master's students who are unable to follow the course regularly in Q1 and/or Q2 (with proof) must contact us before 30 October.
There are 3 possible scenarios:
1) If you are unable to attend the course in Q1, you must complete the compensatory work offered to Erasmus students (see above). The mark will be included in your continuous assessment, in addition to the other work done in Q2.
2) If you are unable to attend the course in either Q1 or Q2, your assessment points will be allocated as follows:
 Personal presentation: 25%.
 Written exam in January: 35
 Continuous assessment: 0%.
 June exam: 40% (written part 10%, oral exam 30%)
3) If you are unable to attend the course in Q2, you must do compensatory work, the details of which will be given to you at a later date. The mark will be included in your continuous assessment, in addition to the other work done in Q1.
- August session  
Only the parts for which the student does not obtain at least 10/20 must be repeated in the second session, with the exception of the continuous assessment mark, which is simply carried over from one session to the next with no possibility of improvement.


Sources, references and any support material

Course material will be made available on WebCampus as the course develops.

De Standaard www.standaard.be

De Morgen www.demorgen.be

De Tijd www.tijd.be

Knack www.knack.be

Robert & van Dale French - Dutch and Dutch - French dictionary




Language of instruction
