Learning outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student is able to: • read a non-specialised economic text without difficulty • transforming information from different economic sources into a coherent synthesis and giving a personal view on the subject • Present a company orally • conduct a conversation on an economic topic


• Text portfolio, available on the WebCampus ("De Kloof") • Portfolio of texts, to be collected by students ("Portfolio") • Conversation topics, available on the WebCampus ("Stof voor discussie")

Teaching methods

Interactive seminar -- materials: - "De Kloof (WebCampus) - "Stof voor discussie" (WebCampus) Individual work: - "Bedrijfsvoorstelling: oral presentation (WebCampus) - "Portfolio, with written summary and oral presentation (WebCampus)

Assessment method

1) Quality of personal work (written work, oral presentation) 2) Oral examination (open book) - topics: (i) texts seen in the course ("De Kloof", "Stof voor discussie") (ii) the "Portfolio" produced by the student 3) active participation in course activities

Sources, references and any support material

The materials are available on the WebCampus.

Language of instruction
