In 10 years, the two fingers of one hand are no longer enough to count the projects financed thanks to the donations of a multitude of hummingbirds who, each and every one, have acted on their own scale. Today, the original ambition remains unchanged: to give UNamur's scientists and teachers more resources to meet, today and tomorrow, the challenges of health, the environment, biodiversity and planetary resources, inclusion, justice, preservation of natural and cultural heritage... Themes as varied as the collective funding campaigns launched by UNamur through the Namur University Fund. Whether scientific, pedagogical or student solidarity projects, these initiatives have two points in common: they are all led by committed teams who embody the values of our university, and they have all benefited from the generosity of UNamur's alumni, public and partners. A look back at these projects in pictures.

10 years of fundraising in video

Visuel paysage Namur

Support that makes all the difference

Supporting UNamur means giving more resources to its 900 scientists who are building tomorrow's world. The close proximity between our faculties has always fostered pioneering projects, carried out within interdisciplinary research centers and institutes that provide answers to societal challenges. Care for others is also in the DNA of our faculties: care for students, care for the most vulnerable, close connection with our city, our region and the world around us.Supporting UNamur means giving more resources to an institution with heart and proximity, and enabling it to fulfill its mission to innovate in the service of all.

annick castiaux rectrice

"More than ever, our University needs you. Whether it's to provide more support for our students in their specific needs, especially students facing precariousness; whether it's to support more innovative, more creative research projects; whether it's to support us in transforming our campus, to make it more sustainable."

Annick Castiaux Rector of UNamur

Make a donation

There are many ways in which you can give concrete expression to your private or professional support. Make a donation to a project that's particularly close to your heart, or support the university in its teaching and research missions.

Les mains d'un chercheur qui forment un coeur

A team to support faculties

The Fundraising Unit provides support to members of the university community in their search for alternative funding, and in accompanying and promoting their projects. Morgane Belin, Development Campaign and Patronage Manager, was joined in January 2025 by Sigourney Gillin as Administrative Assistant.


Morgane Belin et sa collègue Sigourney Gillin

This article is taken from Fonds Namur Université newsletter #19 (December 2024).
