The opening presentations on November 21 and 22 were given by Professor Sonia Haiduc from the University of Florida in the USA and Professor Andy Zaidman from the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands. The event, organized by UNamur's Faculty of Computer Science, attracted a record number of participants, with over 80 people registered.

This year, BENEVOL 2024 was preceded by an IMPACT! day at the TRAKK premises, with a training session on the value proposition canvas followed by a hands-on session and panel on software maintainability and evolution with partners from the world of scientific and corporate value-adding.

The aim? Both to enable BENEVOL and UNamur researchers to present their research, but also to exchange views with players in the field to better understand the challenges faced daily by companies and propose concrete solutions. The course was given by Professors Anthony Simonofski and Corentin Burnay from the EMCP Faculty's Management Department. It enabled participants to reflect on the potential and impact of research from the angle of short-term industrialization, generate innovative ideas, identify new avenues for scientific research, discover new developments to be tested in the field and, above all, open up avenues for collaboration between researchers and industry.

This IMPACT! day was supported by the GRASCOMP doctoral school as a training day for doctoral students.