The StudioKot has been on campus for many years: photo reports, video coverage for events, directing, photo retouching or editing: the audiovisual world holds no secrets for them! Through their lens, the students of projet-sans-kot shed light on various aspects of student life.

All Namur collectives can call on their services to cover their events. So you can run into StudioKot members at conferences, parties, improv matches, openings at Le Nom de la Rose, or even on the Bal des Bleus. They also work closely with kàpistes to help them promote their activities.

Over the years, the missions and activities of kot-à-projet have evolved, while keeping the same objectives:

  1. Entertainment of the student community
    By producing audiovisual content of all kinds (humorous sketches, documentaries, popularization videos, 24 h mini short films, ...), StudioKot seeks to entertain students (but not only).
  2. Promoting university life
    As mentioned earlier, StudioKot also provides photo and/or video coverage to immortalize Namur events. Members photograph and/or film student events, to create an album for publication on Facebook.
  3. Service to the university community
    Making their experience and technical skills available to the student community. In concrete terms, anyone seeking advice, an opinion or help with photo/video editing or any other audiovisual-related request can contact StudioKot directly via their Facebook page to explain their problem.

Find out more about StudioKot

Le kot-à-projet is present on social networks, so don't hesitate to follow them to keep up with their news:

AKàP: the Assembly of Kots-à-Projet

On the Namur university campus, students who want to get involved in community life have access to a number of meeting places. These include Circles, Regionals and also KàPs, which offer members the opportunity to carry out a project close to their hearts over the course of an academic year. Each KàP brings together students who work together on a project, usually living in the same community housing. Their missions are grouped into three categories: campus animation, humanitarian and societal support, and student services.

Take the plunge and join or create a kàp!

The 2024-2025 call is open. Recruitment 2024 has begun and is open until 14/04/2024. Info and proposals: