Communiqué of the Rectors' Council of February 8, 2025
The CRef is deeply concerned by the outbreak of violence in Kivu.

The CRef is deeply concerned by the outbreak of violence in Kivu.
The Rectors of the universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, united within the CRef, are deeply concerned by the outburst of violence in Kivu. The events of the last few weeks have claimed many civilian victims and caused a great deal of human suffering, not to mention material destruction. They strongly express their solidarity with the local populations.
To the extent of their possibilities and available funding, our universities will continue and deepen their international cooperation activities in the DRC, in collaboration with their NGOs active in the affected regions.
The Rectors call on the governments concerned, in particular the Belgian and Congolese governments, to ensure that cooperation, and especially university cooperation, can continue in this region so severely affected by conflict. This cooperation between our universities must enable the free circulation of ideas, exchanges and mutual enrichment, even in the darkest hours. They call on the political world to support their efforts to help hospitals and other healthcare structures in Goma, Bukavu or elsewhere in the region, such as the Panzi hospital of Dr. Mukwege and his teams.
The Rectors will examine without delay the consequences of this conflict for cooperation with Rwandan institutions.