Employment Unit

In addition to having access at all times to the offers and content of the UNamur Career Center, the Cellule Emploi offers you individual or group coaching.

Cross-disciplinary training

At the University of Namur, they are organized by different entities:

  • Midis de l'ADRE: ADRE offers thematic training cycles with several presentation strands depending on the subject, aimed at all R1 to R4 researchers and research project managers or any member of the university community interested in the topic. Intellectual property, doctoral studies, technology transfer, commercialization of results, patents, R&D funding, PURE©, etc. Average duration: 1h, between 1pm and 2pm, free registration. Contact: secretariat.adre@unamur.be
  • Midis des doctorants: organized by the Euraxess unit. Average length: 1 hour, between 1 and 2 pm, free registration.
  • SRH training catalog: aimed at all staff members. Average duration: 1 to 2 days. Free registration subject to the agreement of your promoter or N+1. Contact: euraxess@unamur.be
  • Midis de la Qualité: These training courses introduce you to tools that can help you solve problems or make logical decisions. Open to all. duration Average: 1h, between 1 and 2pm, free registration. Contact: qualite@unamur.be
  • Confluent des Savoirs: "Ma Thèse en 180 secondes", annual training course, and Vulgare, a scientific popularization exercise as part of training week in popularization and scientific communication. Contact: cds@unamur.be
  • Pôle Académique Namurois: Form@Nam and the Pôle Académique de Namur have decided to create an entrepreneurship awareness program to complement the offering in the Namur region. This "Go to Explore" program is supported by Sowalfin's "Générations entreprenantes" scheme.

Cross-disciplinary resources to read or watch online

To keep you informed and acquire cross-disciplinary skills, the Euraxess cell offers you resources to read or watch.

  1. Project management
  2. Time management
  3. MOOC
  4. What are the secrets of PhD student motivation?
  5. How to stay motivated during the thesis?
  6. Sit down and write your thesis!
  7. Doctors: companies are interested in your skills!

The EURAXESS Jobs platform

The Euraxess Jobs platform brings together thousands of job offers for researchers across Europe. You can post an ad or consult job offers.

PhD Channel

Claire Rommelaere, PhD and researcher at the University of Namur's Centre for Bioethics, shares her vision of academic research in short, humorous videos. Among other things, she reviews the highlights and big questions of the PhD and gives you invaluable advice on how to tackle them.

PhD Channel - Claire Rommelaere